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Our Services

Data Engineering, Analytics & ML

Full-stack data engineering services designed to unlock business value from your data assets.

Our expertise


Effective solutions across the complete data pipeline for a wide range of use cases: time series data, IOT and sensor data, machine learning, predictive analytics, BI tools and more.

Data intensive web and desktop applications

High performance data pipelines

Custom data visualisation

Predictive machine learning modelling

Big data mining & warehousing

ETL (extract, transform, load) and data migration

Data Engineering services

Our Specialties

Data intensive applications

With a decade of experience architecting data-heavy applications, we are acutely aware of the unique challenges that cripple the user experience. Processing and visualising millions of data points quickly and intuitively takes a bit of ingenuity, and a lot of layered performance optimisation. We take a holistic approach, engineering and optimising across the full stack to enable a snappy, intuitive, and high-fidelity UX that feels just right.

High performance data pipelines

Transforming your data into analytics ready applications and insights requires a rock-solid data pipeline. The performance and utility of your end-user applications hinges on the efficiency of every pipeline stage, which requires a full-stack approach. Our team excels at precisely this type of full-stack iterative optimisation, isolating bottlenecks and extracting the very best performance at each step. With deep expertise spanning data aggregation & ingestion, processing, logging & monitoring, and storage, we are well equipped to help you extract maximum value from your data assets.

Advanced data visualisations

While standard visualisation tools (e.g. trendlines, bar charts, histograms, pie charts, scatter plots) are our cup of tea, our expertise extends far beyond the basics. We specialise in crafting custom advanced visualisations tailored to complex or multi-dimensional datasets. Whether you're in need of a straightforward, effective analytics dashboard, or a sophisticated custom visualisation, our team is well equipped to help you distil your data into easy-to-interpret visuals that empower informed decision making.

Data Mining, Predictive Analytics and ML

We are proficient at diving into big datasets and using a variety of statistical and ML techniques to uncover patterns, detect outliers, and predict business-essential metrics. With a track record that includes an UKRI Innovate UK grant for intelligent sensors and dozens of models deployed in complex industrial environments, you can trust our team of experts to develop precision models tailored to your needs. As a full service partner, we go further than model training and development - we develop fully integrated solutions that deliver maximum business impact.

How we work

Our Approach

Focus on value

Every application has some essential functionality that creates the most value. We focus on getting this right, and doing it early, to minimise uncertainty and maximise impact.

Rapid prototyping

We focus on rapidly prototyping core technical components to de-risk them early, and shape the overall technical architecture of the final solution sooner rather than later.

Performance focused

We focus heavily on performance where it matters most. We aren't afraid to get our hands dirty, and get the most out of every step of the pipeline.

Our work

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Let's collaborate

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